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sound and multimedia installations

human sound archive 0613; pass

June 2013, guildhall school of music & drama, london

Footage from the ontoSonics performance installation pass, the result of several months of collaborative action research around the topic of grief and the artist; including in-depth interview processes with ten artists of varying disciplines and ages from around the globe and a number of multimedia experiments.


Liza Barley and Evi Nakou with collaborators Gil Teixeira, Detta Danford, and Natasha Zielazinski


Performed at Guildhall School of Music & Drama, London, 2013.

© ontoSonics: Liza Barley and Evi Nakou, 2013.

Year of production: 2013. Running Time: 3:30min

Video courtesy of People Speak

Edited by Gil Teixeira

a cookie for a story, a project for phonambient braga

January - February 2015, Gnration, braga, portugal


A project about human sound archiving, place, and history. Citizens of Braga, a city in the north of Portugal, were offered a cookie in exchange for telling a story about themselves, their life, or a special memory, place or artifact having to do with Braga. Recorded sounds include expressions typical of the region, narratives, and music. The project was done as part of Phonambient, an initiative of Sonoscopia (Porto) that aims to map sounds from various cities in Portugal and around the globe. Phonambient Braga was curated by Rui Dias and exhibited at GNRation in January and February 2015.


Liza Barley assisted by Raquel Machedo and Sr. António, Braga, Dec. 2014.

human sound archive 0713; LIFECYCLES

JULY 2013, barbican curious festival, chats palace, london

A taste of ontoSonics' sound and multimedia installation in which a room was transformed into a living story catcher-- a place where anyone could enter and contribute sounds, stories, writings and images over the course of one week. The installation also featured sound and image collected by women from the Amies group (PAN Intercultural) during a series of story catching workshops around the neighborhood of the Chats Palace, the venue where the group normally meets and where the installation took place, in honor of its centenary.


Created for the Barbican Centre's Curious Festival 2013, held at Chats Palace in London, UK.


© ontoSonics: Liza Barley and Evi Nakou, 2013.

Year of production: 2013. Running Time: 2:01 min

Edited by Gil Teixeira

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